Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home Again

Our time in Tamarindo was wonderful but, as always, it is good to be home.  
When we arrived in Arkansas, the warm winter had allowed the Dogwoods to begin blooming in the woods.
Our neighbors have a beautiful Dogwood in their front yard.
The Azaleas are more vibrant than I have ever seen.

And the Wisteria are gorgeous.

We have unpacked and are acclimating to our little red house in the woods.

We love our little house.  We will spend the summer playing tennis and golf and Gail will read and I will do a little more painting.  But we are thinking already of where we are going to go next winter.  We are not sure yet, but I know it will be another adventure and  I am sure it will be another Blog opportunity.  

See you then.