Monday, March 26, 2012

The Boogie Boarding Blechs

Gail and I have been spending quite a bit of time at the beach.  The wind has died down and the water has turned warm—about like the swimming pool.
We went around the point at the south end of the bay and had a lot of fun just playing in the waves.

The last several days Gail and I have taken up Boogie Boarding.
Lynne Reilly loaned us a couple boards and the weather has been perfect.  For those of you unfamiliar, a Boogie board is about one-third the size of a surf board.
You ride it like a surf board except you lay down on it rather than standing up.  
It is a much more sane sport than surfing for the elder generation.
The first day we stayed down at the end of the bay where the waves are not so high and the surf boarders don’t hang out.  We just wanted to get our Boogie feet wet.

Then we ventured down the beach where the big boys hang out. 

The waves are bigger and a lot more fun.

It is much more crowded with both surfers and swimmers.  The only real danger comes from running into someone or having someone run over you.  You have to watch out for what is behind you and what is in in front you.

I could always find Gail.  She was the one with the long sleeved shirt and holding the board over her head for shade.
We would take turns resting and trying to take action shots of each other.


 It is a fun time and lots of people were enjoying themselves,


especially Gail.

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