Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Surfing 2--Mike and Frank

Mike Nuyen and Frank Handforth, two Canadians from our condo complex, were energetic enough to take on the waves.    Mike had been surfing for several years and Frank was brand new to the sport.  

I took some candid pictures of them during their trials and triumphs.

They started out renting boards.

Mike is on the left and Frank is on the right.  I am not sure why the boards were different sizes except the bigger board that Frank had was obviously more stable and Mikes was more maneuverable.  In fact, it looked like you could land a 747 on Frank’s board.

Here is a series of close-ups of the surfing duo.  


The first thing you have to do is catch the wave.  
(It helps if you have a really mean look on your face.)

Then you ride the wave.
Cautiously at first.

And then with flair!

Then you dismount.

And try not to swallow too much of the Pacific Ocean.

Great job!!!!


One of the first challenges with Frank, since he had such a large board, was just getting to the water.

The next challenge was "Getting Out There"

Then you catch the wave.

And ride the wave.

Finally, you dismount.
Frank had a flare for the dismount.  Quite often he would get admiring looks from the other surfers for his dismounts.

And would just smile in return.

And, if he swallowed more than his share of the Pacific Ocean, he would put some of it back.

And Smile.

Fantastic Job Guys.  PURA VIDA!!!!!

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