Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Night

Our condo is a block from the Pacific Ocean.  Once we got unpacked, we decided to walk to the beach and see if we could find a place to eat.  On our way we passed a skate board park. 
My grandson Cody would love this.

We got to the beach and found The Beach Club. 

It is right on the water in Tamarindo Bay.  There is a beautiful beach in both directions. 

You can sit at your table and watch the people go by.

There was a fleet of fishing boats at anchor.  I am not sure what their actual business is—fishing, tourism, drug running, or what.  We will have to try to figure that out.

We found that the“official” beer of Costa Rica is Imperial Beer.

We also discovered that this is a favorite surfing spot and they really start young.

We didn’t stay long.  We got something to eat (it had been a long time since breakfast) and then headed home to hit the sack early. 
It’s been a long day.

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