Saturday, February 25, 2012

Nature's Beach (Part 2)

There are small areas of the beach that have just the right composition of sand where the tide creates "Sand Forrests".  As the tides receeds the water pulls small portions of sand with it.  This erosion process creates images in the sand that look like trees in a forest. 

A good thing about the tide is that it cleans the beach every day. There is no litter on the beach not only because the tides wash it away but the people are taught in school not to litter. One of the beautiful things that does wash up on the beach and is cleansed by the water is drift wood. Some of it is very beautiful:

 To the South is a cliff that helps protect that end of the bay.

This cliff is very stark and rocky with varied vegetation but at the same time beautiful.  It has cactus growing on the one side.
The vegetation can provide for some very interesting scenes.

Once you leave the bay and walk around the corner you are exposed to the Pacific Ocean.  It is just like entering Texas--everything is bigger.  The rocks are bigger, the waves are bigger, the wind is stronger, and the beach goes on forever.

These birds were on the rocks lined up like soldiers standing at attention heading into the wind.

When they flew, they stayed low close to the waves.

Nature's Beach is amazing.

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