Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Think We're Ready

Tomorrow we leave for Costa Rica at around six thirty in the morning.  Our good friend Mary Ann Van Dyke is driving us to the airport--you have to be a really good friend to get up that early.
We are all packed.  It is easier this year.  We are going to be gone a much shorter time but we found last time that we took way too many things we did not need and did not take some things we wish we had.  We each had two suitcases plus carry-ons last year for Belize and this year we have only one suitcase each.  In addition, we each have a carry-on and,of course, the computer.  We are not sure how we are going to access the internet from Tamarindo but we'll figure that out when we get there.
We are taking some basic spices this time and my instant coffee, creamer, and sugar.  We have the twist ties Chuck and Sharon brought us last year--that was a good lesson learned. 
Gail has a frying pan in her suitcase. (Last year we had to buy one since the one in our condo was so old and crappy.) 
We are taking no dark colored clothes and nothing that could be considered "dressy". We are taking no shoes except what we wear on the plane and our water shoes and flip flops. We have American dollars of every denomination hidden in all kinds of nooks and crannies. We have lots of suntan lotion of almost every SPF. We have all of our vitamins and prescritions and a special prescription for a very potent antibiotic that will cure everything from skin infections, to colds, the runs, etc. We don't get any special shots because we don't plan on wandering far from civilization for any period of time.
My suitcase has lots of wires--two cameras with rechargable batteries so we need the battery charger; the MP3 player with a small set of speakers and earphones; and the cord needed to transfer pictures from the camera to the computer. We are not taking cell phones this year (we will use our Magic Jack, Skype, and email for our communications).

I think we're ready!!!

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