Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SAGA Page 1

Yesterday I had a rather traumatic but still, in a way, a good experience. 

To fully explain I have to go back and begin the story on Sunday night.

We, and several other couples from the condo complex, went to a restaurant/bar known as Witches Rock.  There is a group who plays music there several nights a week called the Banana Kings.  They play mostly sixties music and can really get the crowd wound up.  We had seen them before but this time they were playing on the beach rather than inside. 

The leader of the group looks very much like Willie Nelson.  He is a fantastic guitar player and actually played some with his tongue.  (I didn’t get a picture of that so you will just have to take my word for it.)

The base guitar player has probably never sung a note of music in his life but he can scream on key with the best of them. 

The drummer is also excellent and actually has another band he plays with and has made a CD with them that is wonderful. 

This night the people were enjoying the music and the drinks in typical beach fashion.  One of the gentlemen from our group, John, was joining in and dancing on the rocky dance floor.

Unfortunately, John fell and we all scrambled and got him vertical again.  He has a wonderfully hearty spirit so this did not slow him down in the slightest; at least until it was time to head home. 

You have to know that the streets here are not paved, have stones sticking up everywhere and ditches along the side to help the water runoff during the rainy season. 

This was after dark and the walking was tough so John was doing the Tim Conway Shuffle all the way home.  We had a flashlight to guide our way and one of us was holding each of John’s arms while John was making sure his “to go” drink did not spill.

We made it home but that was just the beginning.

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