Sunday, February 26, 2012

Man's Beach

Nature continually changes her beach with the coming and going of each tide. 

Man's beach is a bit more predictable.  
Every morning when we take our walk, the first thing we see when we approach the beach is all of the boats moored in the bay.

The majority of these boats never go anywhere.  I have no idea where the owners are but I would guess someplace where the "Rich and Famous" hang out.  The boats with the two and three masts, however, are out most every day and are beautiful whether under sail--

or just at anchor.

One of the first things that happens every morning on "Man's Beach" is the lining of the beach chairs.  Some are just your basic wooden chairs.

But, there are also the more elaborate lounge chairs that have canvas seats and built in sun visors.  You can rent two of these chairs plus an umbrella for $15 a day.  Not bad because that also includes delivery service of your favorite beverages from the nearby restaurant (cost of the drinks is extra however).

It doesn't take long before the whole beach is outlined with all kinds of lounging apparatus to make your day in the sun enjoyable.

Of course there are always some people who are too cheap to rent a chair.  They bring a spatula from the kitchen, dig a hole in the sand and build their own chair.  Actually it works pretty good--comfortable and cool--but it's tough to roll over.

Shortly after the chairs are aligned, the vendors begin to show up.  These are local people selling everything from cold beer, to shaved ice--

to jewelry and trinkets of all kinds
(many of these people wear long pants and long sleeved shirts-I don't know how, or why,they do it)--

cigars and sunglasses

and massages.

If you want something, and they don't have it, I'll bet they can get it for you pretty quick.

Next to arrive at Man's Beach--the Gringos.

And pretty soon the sand and the surf is full of people.

Man's Beach, where all of the people are, is lined with bars, restaurants and souvenir shops.  However, if you walk a little further, to Natures Beach, you often run into some fishermen.  Yesterday as we were walking we saw this guy fishing out on the rocks.

When we returned, he was gone and the only thing we found was this fishing rod laying on the rocks.

We couldn't call 911 because we don't have cell phones.  I guess I'll get a copy of the Tico Times and see if any fishemen have been reported missing.

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