Wednesday, February 22, 2012


In the Beginning GOD created Heaven and earth.   When he did this, he made thousands of different kinds of animals.  Some of these animals he scattered throughout the planet.  I can understand why he did this in some cases, like horses.  Man might have helped a little with horses, however, since we have used them forever for transportation and work.  However, one kind of animal that seems to be everywhere, and I don’t understand why, is the Raccoon.
These two pesky little creatures are pets in a hotel/restaurant down the road.   They feed them cat food but I can’t imagine the carnage they will create when they get to the restaurant.

Some animals God seemed to place just in certain parts of the world, mostly because they fit the environment.  For example, in the warmer climates he placed Iguanas—
This guy was in a tree just off our balcony.

There also monkeys here called “Howler” monkeys.  They live in families in the trees and rarely, if ever, touch the ground.  There is an Alpha male, several secondary males, several females and, of course, lots of babies.  The Alpha male is the youngest and strongest, as opposed to other types of monkies where he is the oldest and wisest.

We hear them in the  morning and evening.  They make a loud guttural sound like a very large dog barking.

Some of the birds here are also unique.  The people who live in the unit below ours are here year round.  They have two parrots that live in a bush next to their patio.   The first time you walk by, not knowing they are there, and they screech at you and stick their heads out of the leaves, can be quite startling.
                          There are also a lot of very pretty yellow birds that are like our canary but much larger—about the size of a Robin.   They are one of three hundred species of fly catchers, which explains why we have seen no mosquitoes and maybe two flies since we have been here.
And Bluebirds are here too.  Although Bella Vista is the Bluebird capital of the world, these Bluebirds are a different kind and are blue colored all over.  Believe it or not, it is the female of the Red Sargeant that is like our Red Winged Blackbird but the Red Sargeant has the red on it's back rather than on the wings.
But I think one of the best things God did, before he rested on the seventh day, was that he took a rib from Adam and created the moon(s).

Gail thinks I have the interpretation of this passage
confused and suggests I go back and review the Book of Genesis
I say there are many parts of the Bible that can be interpreted in
different ways and I personally think I got this one down pretty

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