Friday, February 24, 2012

Nature's Beach (Part1)

The natural look of the beach is totally affected by the tides.  They are always either coming in or going out.  At high tide the waves are the best.  The surfers say two hours before and two hours after high tide is the best time to surf.
High Tide
When the tides are out, or at low tide, the beach is very wide.  The sand close to the water is smooth, not coarse or full of shells like some beaches, and it is firm so you do not sink into it.  It makes for a very enjoyable walk which we take about every day.  

Since Tamarindo is located in a bay, we walk from one end of the bay to the estuary at the other end.

This is a picture taken from the air that I copied from another site but it shows the shore line and the configuration of the bay.  You can see the estuary at the bottom right of the picture, the town in the middle, and the southern point of the bay in the top right corner.  The bay extends further to the north at the bottom right of the picture for several miles with beautiful sandy beaches.  The only safe way across the estuary, however, is by boat.  It is not very wide or deep but, since it is a mixture of salt and fresh water and extends quite a distance inland, there are crocodiles in it.

Nature provides so much to see and it is different every day.  Just the changes in the patterns of the sand that are made from the waves are fascinating.


The snails painstakingly scribe their signatures in the sand.

And even we leave our mark...

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of the footprints in the sand. Hope you are feeling better.
