Sunday, February 19, 2012


(I want everyone to know that I did nothing to change the color of any of the photos in this Blog.  The photos were all taken from approximately the same place on the beach but on different days.)

Tamarindo is one of the top ten places in the world for beautiful sunsets.  I tried to find out what makes the various colors in a sunset but it was hard to understand.  It has to do with the distance the light travels and the scattering of the particles of light as it travels from the sun to our eyes.  It did say that the cleaner the air the more beautiful the colors.
"Because the sun is low on the horizon, sunlight passes through more air at sunset than during the day. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the blue light away from our eyes. If the path is long enough, all of the blue light scatters out of our line of sight. The other colors continue on their way to our eyes. This is why sunsets are often yellow, orange, and red.”

Here is an example of a reddish-orange colored sunset.

The colors can also be lighter in the pink range.

And sometimes they still have a little blue in them.

There are some that have a gold tone.

I think some of the best pictures of the sunset are those that have other objects in the picture, like a surfer,

Or fishermen in their boat at the end of the day,

Or just a sailboat.

Or just the outline of a tree.

Wouldn't a massage on the beach at sunset be heavenly?

After the sun sets there is always an afterglow.  The colors of this vary depending on the clouds in the sky.

We go down to the beach almost every day to watch the sun set. 

Every one is different and we have never been disappointed in the beauty.  I can see why this is in the top ten places in the world for beautiful sunsets.
(I did use a flash on this picture to make Gail stand out a little.)

They tell us that if you show up to watch the sunset without a drink in your hand you can get arrested, so it is off to get Gail a Cuba Libra before the "policia" catch her.

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