Friday, February 17, 2012

SAGA Page 2

I did not mention in the initial chapter of this story that Tamarindo Bay is one of the top ten places in the world to watch the sun set.  This is one of the reasons we wanted to go to Witches Rock.  The music was rousing and the beach style drinks made it even better.  But, the sunsets that night, and every night, are majestic.

 (I will do a posting on the blog of just sunsets when I have a few more pictures.)
After listening to the music on the beach, dancing, enjoying the beach drinks, and getting John home safely, we remembered we had not eaten dinner.  We had nothing easily fixable in the condo so we decided to venture out again.  By this time it was after eight o’clock on Sunday night but we found a wonderful local BBQ place that had quite a few people there.  We figured that was a good sign, and we were right.

Gail and I both had a pulled pork sandwich.  She had sweet potato fries and I had some kind of local potato chip.  The BBQ sauce came in three different grades of hotness-just like it does at Whole Hog in Arkansas. 

Our waitress was named Eileen, from the Philippines.  She was about five feet tall and weighed in at less than one hundred pounds.  She was thirty eight and looked twelve.  She has been here for four years and works twelve hours a day six days a week.  She loves this life because it is much more lucrative than anything available to her in the Philippines.  He goal is to move to Canada and work as a live-in care giver.

After we finished our sandwiches I was using my plastic toothpick with the Roto- rooter attachment on the end to get deep within the abysses’ of the teeth.   When we got home it felt like I had released a volcanic flow equal to that of Mt. Vesuvius.

OH MAN!!!!

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